About me


Professor of Political Science, San Francisco State University

[email protected]

My research on American Politics centers on political participation, social movements, immigration and race, including “Migration and Inequality: A Structural Approach” Cosmopolitan Civil Societies: An Interdisciplinary Journal. Vol. 12, No. 1 (2020); Xenophobia, Belonging and Agency: Citizenship in Immigrant America” (with Marcela García-Castañon) in New Political Science (2018); Immigrant Crossroads: Globalization, Incorporation, and Placemaking in Queens, New York (co-edited by Tarry Hum, Ron Hayduk, Francois Pierre-Louis Jr., and Michael Alan Krasner (Temple University Press, 2020);  Democracy for All: Restoring Immigrant Voting Rights in the United States (Routledge), Gatekeepers to the Franchise: Shaping Election Administration in New York (Northern Illinois University Press), From ACT UP to the WTO: Urban Protest and Community Building in the Era of Globalization (with Benjamin Shepard, Verso); and “Noncitizen Voting Rights in the Global Era: a Literature Review and Analysis,” with Dan Ferris, Alyscia Richards, Emma Strauss Schubert, and Mary Acri (Journal of International Migration and Integration, 2019). 

Formerly a social worker, I was the Coordinator of the New York City Voter Assistance Commission and consulted to policy organizations (Demos, NAACP, Aspen Institute).  I serve on the editorial board of Socialism and Democracy and am a member of the North American Participatory Budgeting Research Board. Before joining the Political Science Department at San Francisco State University in 2016, I taught at Queens College and the Borough of Manhattan Community College of the City University of New York (CUNY), where I received my Ph.D. from the CUNY Graduate Center.