Democracy For All: Restoring Immigrant Voting Rights in the United States. Routledge
Gatekeepers to the Franchise: Shaping Election Administration in New York Northern. Illinois University Press.
FROM ACT UP TO THE WTO: Urban Protest and Community Building in the Era of Globalization Edited by Benjamin Shepard and Ronald Hayduk Verso, 2002.
Democracy’s Moment: Reforming the American Political System for the 21st Century Edited by Ronald Hayduk and Kevin MattsonRowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2002.
Radical Perspectives on Immigration. Socialism & Democracy, # 48, November 2008. Edited by Marcella Bencivenni and Ron Hayduk
Radical Perspectives on Race and Racism, Socialism and Democracy Special Issue # 33. Winter/Spring, 2003. Edited by Ronald Hayduk, Yusuf Nurruddin and Victor Wallis.
Selected Articles
Co-author “Noncitizen Voting Rights in the Global Era: a Literature Review and Analysis” (with Dan Ferris, Alyscia Richards, Emma Strauss Schubert, and Mary Acri). Journal of International Migration and Integration. June, 2019.
Co-editor (with Marcela García-Castañon) of symposium: “Xenophobia, Belonging and Agency: Citizenship in Immigrant America.” New Political Science. Vol. 40, No. 2, 2018.
“Introduction,” of “Xenophobia, Belonging and Agency: Citizenship in Immigrant America,” with Marcela García-Castañon. New Political Science. Vol. 40, No. 2, 2018.
“Urban Citizenship: Campaigns to Restore Immigrants’ Rights in the United States,” with Kathleen Coll. New Political Science. Vol. 40, No. 2, 2018.
“Immigrant Engagement in Participatory Budgeting in New York City.” Co-authored with Hackett and Folla. New Political Science. March, 2017.
“Political Rights in the Age of Migration: Lessons From the United States” in Triadafilopoulos, ed. Special Issue, Journal of International Migration and Integration, entitled, “Who Decides? Democracy, Power and the Local Franchise in Cities of Immigration.” Volume 16, Issue 1, February, 2015.
“From Global Justice to OWS: Movement Connections.” Socialism and Democracy, 58. July, 2012.
“Radical Responses to Neoliberalism: Immigrant Rights in the Global Era” in Bornstein and Dombrowski, ed. Special Issue, Dialectical Anthropology. Fall, 2009.
“Teaching Immigration at BMCC.” Radical Teacher, Fall 2009.
“Immigrants and Race in the US: Are Class-Based Alliances Possible?” Co-authored with Jones in Bencivenni and Hayduk, ed. Special Issue, Socialism & Democracy, 48. November, 2008.
“Democracy for All: Restoring Immigrant Voting Rights in the United States.” New Political Science, Vol. 26, No. 4, 499-523. December, 2004.
“Regional Equity as a Civil Rights Issue” in Hayduk, Nuruddin and Wallis, ed. Radical Perspectives on Race and Racism. Socialism and Democracy, 33, Vol. 17, No. 2, 2003.
Book Chapters
“OWS and the Anti-Globalization Movement,” in Welty, Bolton, Nayak, and Malone, ed. Occupying Political Science: The OWS Movement from New York to the World. Palgrave McMillan, 2013.
“New York State Elections and Election Management” in Benjamin, ed. Handbook of New York State Politics. Oxford University Press, 2012.
“The Case for Restoring Immigrant Voting in the United States” in Gans, Replogle, and Tichenor, ed. Debating Issues in U.S. Immigration. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 2012.
“Immigration Policy: A View from the Left” in M. Major, ed. Where Do We Go From Here? American Democracy and the Renewal of the Radical Imagination. Lantham, MD: Lexington Books, 2011.
“Resolved, Non-Citizen Residents Should Be Granted the Right to Vote” in Ellis and Nelson, ed. Debating Reform. CQ Press, 2011.
“Race and Suburban Sprawl” in Lindstrom and Bartling, ed. Surviving Sprawl: Culture, Ecology and Politics. Rowman & Littlefield, 2003.
“From Anti-Globalization to Global Justice: A Twenty First Century Movement,” in Berg, ed. Teamsters and Turtles?: U.S. Progressive Political Movements in the 21st Century. Rowman & Littlefield, 2003.
Immigrant Crossroads: Globalization, Incorporation and Place-Making in Queens, New York. Co-edited by Tarry Hum, Ron Hayduk, Francois Pierre-Louis, and Michael Krasner. Temple University Press, 2020.
“How Would You Spend A Million Dollars?: Immigrant Engagement in Participatory Budgeting” co-authored by Diana Tamashiro Folla and Kristen Hackett, in Immigrant Crossroads.
“The More Things Change…Machine Politics in Queens” co-authored by Michael Krasner, in Immigrant Crossroads.